King of the Cut 2021: Community Boat Racing
When it comes to unsanctioned community racing the gang in Long Island NY has a great thing going with the “King of the Cut.” The last time I wrote about it, Nick Imprescia was the champion in his 21 Superboat that he ended up racing in Class 7. Nick has gone on to much bigger races and done incredibly well. The King of the Cut is more about friends enjoying a fun end of the season run to see who has bragging rights over the winter. Safe community races are great. My Dad grew racing small outboards in community races a long time ago and depending on where you live you might have groups that run together, have races or do events.
James in his Progression winning King of the Cut.
I exchanged a few messages with some of the competitors and it sounded like a great day for it, not rough and good weather all around. The Long Island group has a large collection of mostly NY built SOB style boats, following the basic rules of the category. Most are running 300XS or 300X Mercs but others have won running Yamaha and Evinrude, it’s truly open.
A couple of Activators running down the cut. Long Island NY. Photo Credit John Woods
This year the winner was James Jaronczyk in his Progression 22 with a Mercury Racing 300X. James said it was basically perfect conditions for him and his really fast Progression. The next up were two 22 Activators. Rob Fox has a beautifully restored white Activator with a 300 XS. and Jason Reimer has an amazing Yellow Activator with a 300 XS. Jason said he had a bit of a slow start but sounds like he caught up at the end, I know his is really fast.
Community racing is great. Video games are for losers.
In the end the popular event sparks lots of trash talking and great friendly competitiveness. I love how there is a trophy yet it is an unsanctioned race. Watching from afar I know there are lots of us who are wishing there was something like this close to home.
Thanks to John Woods and Ed Perso for the photos.
The winners circle, James in his Progression and Jason and Rob in their Activators.