Chaudron Powerboats Lands in Miami: Mercury Racing 300R Pushes the Pro S-25
After much anticipation the Chaudron Pro S-25 arrived in Miami a few weeks ago. The boat went straight to TNT Custom Marine to be rigged with a Mercury Racing 300R HD, Imco steering and custom Livorsi gauges. Even though conditions weren’t great we took it for a quick first run to check everything over. The 25 footer from Malta did incredible. Fast and a blast to drive, the narrow hull slices through the chop.
I didn’t get a chance to do a full performance report but did a short video and was happy to report the boat lived up to the hype. This thing is a perfect blend of performance and comfort in a smaller single engine. Fit and finish is excellent as well as having a very nice interior with lots of storage. The Mercury Racing 300R pushed the Chaudron with ease, we ran a 30” Bravo FS initially and the four blade prop got on plane very smoothly, with barely any bow rise. No top speed numbers yet but the Pro S-25 absolutely carves through waves and runs nice and flat with no drama.
At 50 and 60 MPH the big Mercury 300R and the boat just loafed along effortlessly. With a full tank, the boat ran about 60 MPH at 4,500 RPM and I touched 80 MPH briefly without much effort in some rough water with lots left. More to come on the Chaudron, including a drone video and some more testing.
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The Chuadron sits on a custom Rocket aluminum trailer.